Friday, 20 June 2008

$500 Cat 5 Cable - Yes $500 + Zemanta

A tag cloud with terms related to Web 2.Image via WikipediaAmazon users review it here.
Seems that the reviewers are venting their fury at how a company can charge $500 for a cat 5.

I've just added Zemanta to my blog and it seems like an interesting little tool. Attached as a firefox extension it add extra functionality to your blogging engine. Hasn't chosen a relevant picture for me but hey this is the first post that I've done with it installed.

Interestingly it updates every 300 characters. Now I see that as a challenge. The auto tag feature seems like a great idea. For example up to here its collated the following tags, blogging, firefox extension, engine, Amazon, Zemanta and review. Not Bad. I just clicked on an image and it added it directly, again I'm pretty impressed.
Zemanta Pixie

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